HomeAutoA 5-Step Guide To Windshield Repair

A 5-Step Guide To Windshield Repair

A 5-Step Guide To Windshield Repair

A 5-step guide to windshield repair

If you find a chip on your windshield, it is important to get it fixed immediately. If the damage is not contained, the crack could expand further and could lead to considerable damage. After the first level of the windshield has been compromised, the crack could get bigger and bigger which would result in an expensive windshield change or replacement. After you notice the chip, you can contact a windshield fixing company or really just get the job done on your own. A nearby automobile parts store should have what you need in relation to inexpensive repair kits.

If you plan to do the job yourself, here is a quick “how-to” on DIY methods for windshield repair.

Windshields: DIY repair 101

Step 1: Tools and starting out
The kit you purchase will have all the necessary equipment. You will need one mirror to keep inside the windshield, a bridge and injector and resin for windshield repair. You will also need a windshield pit filler, plastic curing tabs and razor blades, and a Dremel for the glass. Next, you should clean the affected area and gently remove any pieces of loose glass. Place the mirror so that the crack is visible from every side. This will help you do the DIY job efficiently.

Step 2: Making a seal
Center the bridge or your respective tool directly over the chip so that you can make a seal over the affected area that has lost glass. After creating the seal, put around 5 to 6 drops of resin in the area using the injector.

Step 3: Inject the chip
Use the injector and aim to push the resin on to the chip in the windshield. Through your mirror, you will observe the chip clearing up. Keep releasing air or re-injecting as and when needed and make sure you observe it for any discrepancies. You may subsequently leave the area for around 10 minutes to let the resin take effect. If this is happening under a harsh sun, you would want to cover the area so the resin does not dry too soon. The next step is to remove the bridge after observing that the crack has cleared and you have let it stay for the required time.

Step 4: Fill the missing glass
Now the repair is almost complete. You are advised to observe the pit and bring out the pit filler. The pit has the glass missing. And, you need to give your windshield a good finish so that it looks good as new. You need to drop a little pit filler directly over the point of impact and place a plastic curing tab over the area. Let this sit under the sun to get it fixed and settled.

Step 5: Scrape off the excess residue
You can go ahead and use a razor, holding it perfectly upright to scrape off the excess residue or pit filler. You can even use a polisher to make sure the area looks good again. Leave the area where the missing glass was filled. From an aesthetic point of view, depending on the moisture, dirt, and other factors, your car should look pretty neat. The windshield should also now be as good as new.

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