HomeLifestyle5 Proven Tips To Help You Sleep Better At Night

5 Proven Tips To Help You Sleep Better At Night

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5 Proven Tips To Help You Sleep Better At Night

Sleep is essential to our well-being, and many of us strive to get a good night’s rest every night to maintain our health. However, between cars driving by your home, thoughts about work and other stressors, and uncomfortable bedding, you can be tossing and turning for hours. Some individuals experience narcolepsy, daytime sleepiness that can leave you feeling drowsy throughout the day, and they work to avoid narcolepsy with medications like Sunosi. However, like many other disorders, diseases, and illnesses, symptoms improve with a good sleep. Here’s 5 proven tips to help you sleep better at night:

1. Be consistent in your sleep schedule
Going to bed at the same time each night and waking up at the same time each morning is essential to keeping your sleep schedule in check and consistently getting a good night’s sleep. This way, you can ensure your body always gets the full rest it needs and you will find it easier to fall asleep at night as your body prepares for it. Stay consistent, even on the weekends.

2. Avoid caffeine in the evening
Caffeine should be avoided at a minimum of 6 hours before bed time. If consumed too late, caffeine can make it harder for you to fall asleep, reduce the amount of sleep you get, and reduce the amount of deep sleep you get. You should also avoid large meals and alcohol too close to bedtime.

3. Make sure your room is quiet and dark
A quiet and dark environment is essential for a good night’s rest. If you live near an airport or  a busy highway, lights and noise from vehicles can keep you up and interrupt your sleep. Purchasing a white noise machine, or using a fan, and getting good curtains, like blackout curtains, can be a great way to improve your sleep. Trust us, quality sleep is the best investment you can make.

4. Remove electronic devices from your bedroom
Blue light from electronic devices can be misinterpreted by your body as daytime light, interfering with your internal clock and making it harder for you to fall asleep at night. Keep TVs, phones, tablets, and laptops out of the bedroom, or set a timer for at least an hour before bed to remove all devices. Reading is a great alternative for before sleep entertainment if you find yourself missing a TV show or scrolling through social media.

5. Get regular exercise
Being physically active during the day has been proven to help individual’s fall asleep at night. By raising your core body temperature through exercise, it signals your body that it’s time to be awake. After some time, when your temperature decreases and regulates, it triggers sleepiness in the body.


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