HomeLifestyleSafe Human Foods To Feed Dogs

Safe Human Foods To Feed Dogs

Safe Human Foods To Feed Dogs

You know how hard it is to resist your dogs whining and puppy dog eyes when you’re eating a delicious plate of food—but you hold off because you’re not sure what foods are safe for your pup. Sticking to bully sticks, fresh dog food, or if your furry friend has some sensitivities, dog food for allergies can be your best bet. However, if you want to know which foods are safe and nutritious to share with your dog, read on:

1. Turkey bacon
Dogs love the smell of meat, and they love eating it even more. Next time you’re cooking your bacon and eggs breakfast, try making turkey bacon to share with your pup. Pork bacon is too high in sodium and fat to be shared with your dog, but turkey bacon is much healthier—just be sure to only share a small piece or two.

2. Cauliflower
When you’re meal prepping your veggies for the week, toss your dog a piece of cauliflower. This veggie is high in fiber, calcium, potassium, and folate—all nutrients that are great for your dog!

3. Plain greek yogurt
Give your dog a spoonful of greek yogurt, or try freezing some on a baking sheet and cracking it into smaller pieces to give to your dog for a refreshing treat. Plain greek yogurt is an excellent source of calcium and probiotics that will benefit your dog’s gut.

4. Zucchini
Zucchini is just as nutritious for dogs as it is for humans! This green courgette is packed with antioxidants, potassium, magnesium, and zinc—your dog is sure to love it. You can serve it raw, steamed, or cooked, just make sure it’s cut into small pieces and made without any seasoning.

5. Cabbage
Cabbage makes a great treat for your dog as it is a low calorie snack. Additionally, cabbage contains some great nutrients and benefits, such as high fiber and its ability to reduce inflammation. Just make sure not to give your dog too much, as it does produce a lot of gas which can bloat your dog if given too much.

6. Green apple
Not only are green apples low calorie and high in fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, and antioxidants, they also help to freshen your dog’s breath and boost dental hygiene.

7. Eggplant
Eggplant is packed with some great nutrients that will keep your dog healthy—vitamin B6, vitamin K, folate, potassium, niacin, and phytonutrients. Just make sure to remove the stem and leaves, as those can be toxic to dogs, cut it up into small pieces to avoid a choking hazard, and serve raw.

8. Strawberries
Strawberries should be given in moderation as they contain high amounts of sugar; however, they are very nutritious and packed with fiber and vitamin C. Additionally, strawberries contain an enzyme that can whiten your dog’s teeth as they eat it.

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