HomeLifestyleSimple Snack Options For The Whole30 Diet

Simple Snack Options For The Whole30 Diet

Simple Snack Options For The Whole30 Diet

The Whole30 diet is a 30-day diet that eliminates the intake of sugar, alcohol, grains, legumes, and dairy products from your diet and emphasizes the consumption of whole foods. Although very similar to the Paleo diet, the Whole30 diet is more restrictive as natural sugars like honey and maple syrup are also left out of the diet plan. In spite of all these restrictions, there are delicious meal and snack recipes for the diet. Let’s take a look at some delectable snack options to ensure that you don’t really miss out on the food that you can’t eat while following this diet:

  • Apple and almond butter sandwiches
    These sandwiches are made out of apple slices slathered with almond butter, making for a healthy yet delicious snack that you can enjoy when on the Whole30 diet.
  • Raw caramel apple pie bar
    These bars are for those of you obsessed with caramel apples, and they are a healthier option as compared to the caramel apples that they are modeled after.
  • One minute chocolate cake
    This is a simple snack recipe for the Whole30 diet that requires only three ingredients and can be made in just 1 minute.
  • No bean hummus
    Since legumes are not allowed in the Whole30 diet, beans are substituted with carrots in this recipe to make the perfect veggie dip.
  • Chili and rosemary roasted nuts
    If you are in the mood for a simple yet delicious snack, these crunchy roasted nuts are just what you are looking for in order to satisfy your snack cravings when on the Whole30 diet.
  • Toasted coconut almond butter
    Almond butter is easy to make at home, and this healthy homemade butter pairs perfectly with celery for a healthy snack. It is made using raw almonds, coconut flakes, coconut oil, and salt.
  • Sauteed apples
    Instead of biting into a raw apple, you can saute them in some coconut oil, along with salt and some cinnamon.
  • Salt and vinegar chips
    Being able to eat chips at 40 calories per serving is a boon, and these chips are one of the simplest snacks for you when on the Whole30 diet.
  • Pumpkin pie energy bites
    Pumpkin pie isn’t exactly a healthy snack option, but these pumpkin pie bites are both healthy and delicious. They definitely know how to hit the spot on your snack craving.
  • Roasted nuts
    Roasted nuts are always a pleasure to eat, and they are a handy snack option for when you are on the Whole 30 diet.
  • Coconut lime energy bites
    It takes only four ingredients to make this sweet treat for a snack: almonds, dates, coconut, and lime juice.
  • Chocolate coconut cashew bites
    These bites are simple yet mouth-watering snacks for the Whole30 diet.
  • Baked sweet potato chips
    These healthy snacks are also gluten-free and Whole30-friendly.
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